Ένα σιροπιαστό γλυκό που λατρεύω και δεν μπορώ να βρω πια όπως το θυμάμαι. Όλα τα Ροξάκια που κυκλοφορούν δεν είναι Ροξάκια!
350 γρ αλεύρι ολικής
150 γρ αλεύρι βρόμης
Μισή κούπα γιαούρτι σόγιας
1 κούπα ελαιόλαδο
1 φακελάκι μαγιά
2 κ.σούπας βούτυρο ξηρού καρπού
Ξύσμα 1 πορτοκαλιού
Για την ζύμη κακάο
1/4 cup καρύδια
1/4 cup αμύγδαλα
Μισή κούπα χουρμάδες βασιλικοί
2 tbsp κακάο
1 tbsp κανέλα
2 tbsp χαρουπάλευρο
I rocked this attempt to veganise my favourite traditional sweet treat. Yeah! I wanted to make these for so long! Obviously the traditional recipe has milk & eggs but I found it easy to remove and the result was very good!
Also, made with Triticum Dicoccum low Gluten flour that I love.?Everyone else loved it too! And you know, my family is hard to please.
White dough:
1 kg Triticum Dicoccum flour
1 cup soy yogurt
1 cup olive oil
2 packets dry yeast
5 tbsp apple purée
Zest of one orange
Cocoa dough:
1/2 cup walnuts
1/2 cup almond flakes
1 cup medjool dates
3 tbsp cocoa
1 tbsp cinnamon
2 tbsp carob flour
31/2 cup brown sugar
31/2 cup water
zest of one orange
Dissolve dry yeast in 1/2 cup look warm water and let rise for 10 minutes. Combine rest ingredients of the white dough in a large bowl. Add yeast water and work the dough with your hands until well combined and soft. Now split the dough in 3 equal parts.
Blend the cocoa dough ingredients into a paste. Make the cocoa dough by adding the paste at the one third of the white dough and work it until well combined.
Now let’s do it!
Shape the white dough into a square. Shape the cocoa dough into sausage like rolls. Place the cocoa dough on the edge of the white square and roll it around.
Cut it into 1,5 cm coins and press it down with your palm a bit. Place into a baking tray and bake at 180 C for 15 minutes.
Let cool. Now make the syrup: Bring to boil and remove from fire. Cover the biscuits with the syrup for 4 minutes and turn around half way through.
Place on a tray and serve!